Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

Welcome to Year 5

Year 5 Curriculum Map

Year 5 Essential Information

 Below are some brief details about our learning this half term and some key information to help the half term run smoothly. Please do keep an eye out for regular information about our class on the new school and any last minute information or changes on the school app.  




English: In class we will continue to follow the Jane Considine scheme which proved successful last year. The children will write a detailed account of their holidays; write a script for their class assembly; and write a science fiction story about a trip to the moon. Alongside this they will study a variety of texts with a link to space – be it the science behind it, the explorers and pioneers or just a good space themed story.

Reading: Children are still expected to be reading at home and should all have their own book to take home or one of their own choice, that is at the expected standard for their age . We ask that the children read at home at least 3 x per week. They have been issued with their own Planner in which a parent/guardian should sign to say your child has completed the required reading. The children are also expected to write down 5 new words they encounter during their reading each week and define them in the planner. The planners will need to be checked in school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. In class we have whole class guided reading on a range of fiction and non fiction texts, 3 x per week as well as daily story time. Some children requiring extra assistance will be heard regularly in class. You can help your child’s progress by hearing them read for at least 5 minutes every day or questioning them on what they have read. It really is the key to all their future success.

Maths: We will continue to follow the White Rose Maths programme of study and for most of this half term the focus will be on place value: comparing, ordering and rounding numbers up to 1,000,000; Multiplication and division; and begin fractions. Children are also set 3 mathletics tasks each week which should be completed at home. Please email me if you require their login details. We also recommend they keep practising their multiplication tables on TT Rockstars at least 3 times a week, at home, as this will benefit their division and fraction work immensely. They will also continue to use TTRS in school on a regular basis.


HISTORY: Learning about Galileo, Neil Armstrong sir Isaac Newton and the Space Race of the 1950s -70s.

GEOGRAPHY: As context for the space race we will be comparing USA with Russia in the 20th century. Also Earth viewed from space and its size and place compared to all planets in the Solar System, terrain/atmosphere/ of planets

Science Researching facts and information about Planets and the Solar System, recognising Constellations, explaining day and night and famous scientists linked with forces and experimenting with gravity and Investigations: How do we know the earth is round? Can we track the sun? How does the Moon move?

RE: In R.E. we will be learning more about other religions in our area and being respectful to each.


Computing: We will be looking at Systems and Searching. What is a system and how does it work? And how do we search online.



ART: We have already made self-portraits in the style of Julian Opie. Future lessons will follow the new Art Access online scheme of learning. This term focussing on fashion design.

MUSIC: We have started using a specialist music site called Charanga and are fortunate to have Mr Gleeson the music lead taking the lessons.  


PSHE – Children will be looking at their mental health and well-being and dealing with feelings.

P.E. – This half term in P.E. we will focus on gymnastics and Tag Rugby. P.E. Sessions are on Wednesday and Friday so please send your child to school already dressed in their P.E. kit.


 Things to remember:


·     All children should bring a flask or bottle of water to school. This should be taken home and washed every day.


Please read with your child for 5 minutes every day or questioning them on what they have read. It really is the key to all their future success.


·     PE is on a Wednesday and Friday for this half term. Children should come dressed in their P.E. kit and will stay in it for the rest of the day. A change of clothing is not necessary. Children need to come to school in a white t-shirt and black shorts or black tracksuit plus trainers.

·     Spellings are put on the class blog on a Friday evening. The subsequent spelling practice of the words is the following Thursday. Spelling practice will take the form of dictated sentences. The children will receive a score out of 10 for the practiced words and another score out of 10 for the correct punctuation in their sentences and correct spellings of common words they should already know.

·     Mathletics homework will usually consist of 3 tasks I have set the children. Please ensure the children attempt these before playing on other areas of Mathletics as their scores are fed through to me and allow me to target any areas the children might be struggling with. If you have lost your login, please contact Mr Routledge

·     Children access TTRockstars 3 times a week in school, However, it is recommended that they spend 5 minutes on it every day to get super secure and quicker.

·     Children should not bring anything to school other than book bag, school book, planner, packed lunch and a water bottle.

 May I remind parents and carers to ensure that all of your child’s clothing is named as it makes finding the right owner so much



. Thank you for your continued support.

Should you need to get in touch, please contact the school office or my email address


                Mr Routledge     




. Thank you for your continued support.

Should you need to get in touch, please contact the school office or my email address


                Mr Routledge     


Year 5 Class Blog

week ending 26th January

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 5 Class Blog


Another fun packed week in school saw the children continuing to impress their ukelele teacher on Monday, as well as more Old Testament tales from Jenny Leng. In PSHE they have learnt about the dangers of smoking cigarettes and other substances. In writing the children finished writing their persuasive letters to Scrooge and, in a Dickens themed week, read the opening chapter of Oliver Twist (count those semi colons!) for guided reading. For maths, the children completed their unit on formal multiplication and division with some rock hard word problems. Our topic of the Industrial Revolution continued with the children looking at life in the Victorian era and examining why certain cities prospered more than others based on their geography. In p.e. we continued playing netball and practising cartwheels (not in the same lesson) with mixed results! This afternoon we finally managed to get our crumbles and sparkles working, with much success. You'll have to ask your child to explain that one.

This week's spellings are homophones and near homophones so it is vital that you learn the meaning of each in order to use the right one within the context of the sentence.











Have a great weekend!

week ending 19th January

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 5 Class Blog

It's been too cold outside, this week,  so we've been keeping the children busy indoors this week. The children continued, to a very good standard, with their ukelele practise and were lucky enough to receive the first of 5 regular visits from Jenny Leng to discuss stories from the Old Testament. In maths we moved onto multiplication of 4 digits by a 2 digit number using the formal method (the way you used to do multiplication in the olden days!). If you get the chance please ask your child to show you how they do it, as practise is key to embed the multi step nature of the number problems. In writing we began to write a persuasive letter to Scrooge and studied the text Street Child in guided reading. We played more netball in P.E. and continued to research the industrial revolution in our afternoons. Today, in science, we investigated the properties of materials and which were magnetic and which were conductors of electricity.

Our spellings this week are based around the suffix -ness











Have great weekend!

Week ended 12th January

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 5 Class Blog

Hello, a happy new year and welcome back to the Spring term at Adel St John.

The children (and myself) have just about woken up from the slumber of the Christmas holidays and have dived back in to their learning for this, the shortest of terms.. This week they have been writing all about the what they got up to in the holidays and read other types of recounts. In maths we have finally finished fractions (for now) and the children have made their resolutions for the year ahead.The children also resumed their ukelele lessons and embarked on the new topic of the industrial revolution, while in Computing we attempted to program our sparkles using a crumble and in PE we carried on with gymnastics and started to learn the move of netball.

This week's spellings are on the suffix -ity











Have a great weekend!

week ending 22nd December

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 5 Class Blog

Well, we made it! The children have had a fantastic week of parties, singing, making robotic doodlers, writing poems, singing, learning about levers and pulleys, answering philosophical questions in R.E. and more singing.

Thank you so much for your exceedingly generous gifts for myself and Mr Gleeson. We both wish you all a Merry Christmas and a restful holiday. We've had a great first term in Year 5 which we plan to continue on into the new year.

Best wishes

=Mr Routledge & Mr Gleeson

week ending 22nd December

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 5 Class Blog

Well, we made it! The children have had a fantastic week of parties, singing, making robotic doodlers, writing poems, singing, learning about levers and pulleys, answering philosophical questions in R.E. and more singing.

Thank you so much for your exceedingly generous gifts for myself and Mr Gleeson. We both wish you all a Merry Christmas and a restful holiday. We've had a great first term in Year 5 which we plan to continue on into the new year.

Best wishes

=Mr Routledge & Mr Gleeson

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