Welcome to Year 1
Year 1 Information
PE days this half term are Mondays and Thursdays.
Reading morning this half term is on Tuesday 28th January 8.40-8.55
Year 1 Curriculum Map
Science Knowledge Organiser
RE Knowledge Organiser
History Knowledge Organiser
Year 1 Class Blog
Happy half term!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 1 Class Blog
We’ve had another busy half term in year 1. This week we loved playing throw golf and recording our scores in P.E. We also had a great time sharing and discussing our watercolour paintings. Pumps will be sent home tonight, please check they fit well and replace if needed, then return to school, thank you. Have a great break!
Children’s mental health week
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 1 Class Blog
We have enjoyed thinking about our emotions and how we manage them this week . The children have been using lolly sticks to show which zone of feeling they are in and discussing strategies to help them. Our visit from the road safety team also helped us think about keeping ourselves safe. We have enjoyed working on our throwing skills to aim and hit targets in P.E. Next week we are looking forward to using our School Grid lunchtime system, make sure you have made your choices online!
The Great Fire of London
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 1 Class Blog
We have enjoyed continuing our learning all about the Great Fire of London. We have been writing diaries like Samuel Pepys with quills. We have also been mixing reds, yellows and oranges with watercolour to create fiery artwork.
Lots of learning in Year 1
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 1 Class Blog
This week we have been writing diaries like Samuel Pepys in the Great Fire of London. In maths we have been adding numbers to 20 and we have been developing our typing skills to create a poster for a lost toy.
Typing and target games
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 1 Class Blog
This week have started our digital writing unit in computing. We logged onto our laptops and explored some of the different keys on the keyboard. We also began our PE unit on target games. We explored the best throws to get our beanbags to the target cone. In maths, we have been comparing numbers using the greater, less and equal symbols.