Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects
all staff, volunteers and
visitors to share this commitment’.

Governors' Statement

 Our Governing body conducts its business to take into account the below three roles as outlined in the Governors handbook.

  1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of its pupils.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent and obtains best value.

Our governing body was re-constituted in September 2017 and comprises of 14 governors including an associate member. Each governor is appointed with relevant skills to ensure that they contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. We comprise of our head teacher, elected staff governor, 2 elected parent governors, a local authority governor and 8 Church foundation governors. We also include 1 associate member.

Our full governing body meet four times a year and subcommittees termly or more often where necessary. The full meetings are recorded by the clerking service from the governors unit from the authority who offer support and guidance. Completed minutes are available from school.

Governor’s attendance records at these meeting are published here. Please click on the link:

ASJ Governor attendance 2021-2022

Our school is a successful one, the 2020 Ofsted report grades our school as Good with outstanding features. Also the Church SIAMS inspection report of 2015 grades our school as outstanding. Both these reports can be found on our website. Guidance and advice are given through the Educational team from the Leeds Diocese and the local authority. Our school and governors are involved in collaborative work with other local schools.

Challenges for the future are maintaining and improving the achievements of all our pupils. Ensuring that all our staff have the skills and knowledge to deliver the ever changing national curriculum. Each year there is more pressure for good primary school places. The Adel area has experienced an increase in families living in the area. To date our school is full but endeavours to be as inclusive as possible to meet the Adel area’s needs.  

It is a pleasure to be a governor at our school and I would encourage anyone to consider joining our governing body.

Chair of Governors. 


Governor Details and Register of Interests