Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3!
Miss Jackson will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Christie will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pullan will be our teaching assistants.
On this page, you should find everything you need to know - our Meet the Teacher Information Evening presentation, curriculum map, knowledge organisers and weekly blog are a full of information but please contact us should there be anything else you need.
Year 3 Class Blog
Geologists in the making!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
In Science we have been learning about different types of rocks and this week we have been exploring their properties using our scientific enquiry skill- ‘Grouping and Classifying’. We investigated whether different rocks are permeable/ impermeable, if they have a high or low density and whether they are hard or soft using sandpaper. The children then grouped the rocks according to these properties.
Practical Maths
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This week in Maths we have been learning how to divide 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number with remainders. To introduce remainders, the children were given a certain amount of lollipop sticks to create simple 2D shapes. They then had to see how many lollipop sticks were remaining and create division number sentences to demonstrate their working out. We then moved onto using manipulatives and pictorial representations to solve division problems. This was a challenge for all the children to begin with but with perseverance and practice the light bulb moments were buzzing around the classroom!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This term in PE, we are focusing on gymnastics as well as swimming. This week we have been learning about ‘patch’ and ‘point’- large and small parts of your body.
The children worked in pairs, using their bodies in unison to create a tick, straddle, dish, arch, front and back support and a pike. The children were really engaged throughout the lesson and it was great to see amazing collaboration by all. Here are some of these positions in action. We are looking forward to building on this knowledge over the next few weeks.
Cave Drawing
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
During our ‘Experience Day’ in English this week, the children were learning about the Mesolithic and Neolithic times of the Stone Age. The children have been particularly interested in the cave paintings we have been studying as they are a key historical source of evidence from this period. The children really enjoyed creating their own using charcoal and pastels and they are all proudly displayed in our classroom at the moment.
Happy New Year!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
Happy New Year and we hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.
It’s been a busy few days in Year 3 but all the children have made an excellent start to 2023. This week we began our new topic on the Stone Age and the children have been buzzing with excitement to find out more after only a taster this week! We are also looking forward to sharing the details of our school trip next term with you all very soon. We know the children can’t wait!
In Maths this week we have been learning how to multiply and divide by 4 and next week we will be moving on to the 8 x table. In DT we have been exploring how to sew a cross stitch which requires further practice next week for sure! Our aim is to create our own cushion by the end of the term. We look forward to sharing them at the end of our project.