Adel St John The Baptist

Welcome to Year 2


Year 2 Curriculum Map

Welcome to Year 2!

It's the summer term! Only one more before the children move up to Key Stage 2. The children will be in class with me, Miss White, with additional support from Mrs Appleton (Mon-Weds) and Mrs Milne (Thurs-Fri). Above is our Long Term Plan for the year with details about the Year 2 curriculum. Below are some brief details about elements of our learning this half term and some key information to help the half term run smoothly. There are also Knowledge Organisers for our science, RE, history and geography for your information. Please do keep an eye out for regular information about our class on our blog (details for which will be on the school newsletter, although if you’ve found this, you’re in the right place!) and any last minute information or changes on the school app. If you have any questions, please contact me at and I will reply as soon as I can.

Thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Miss White.



Reading: Children will continue to bring home books weekly and have 1:1 reading sessions in school. We will collect in book bags with returned books on a Monday and keep these until Tuesday when new books will be provided.  Please aim to read these, and other books, with your child for 5 to 10 minutes each day. There is a yellow reading record that will come home with these books too, please indicate when a book has been read with a tick or initials and any comments if you feel necessary. Please return the reading record when books are returned. Guided Reading sessions will be twice a week in small groups or as a whole class.

Spellings: Spellings will be taught in class during our phonics lessons. There will be a weekly quiz of 5 words and a dictated sentence towards the end of each unit.

PE: In PE this half term we will doing Athletics and Striking and Fielding Games. PE days are Monday (Athletics) and Thursday (Striking and Fielding Games) and children should come to school wearing their PE kit – black jogging bottoms or shorts (if the weather is fit), white t-shirt, black jacket and trainers. Now it is the summer term, we will be outside for all of our PE sessions.

Things to remember:

  • All children should bring a flask or bottle of water to school. This should be taken home and washed every day.
  • Named pumps must be worn in school. Children should be able to tie laces quickly if they have lace-up pumps/outdoor shoes and pumps should be checked by a parent every half term to ensure they are in good condition to prevent trip hazards.
  • Named, appropriate clothing for the weather should be brought every day – please ensure your child has a coat if rain is forecast or looks likely, especially as we head towards the winter.
  • School Policy is that, other than for religious reasons, children should not wear jewellery in school apart from a watch. These need to be removed for PE lessons.

Science Knowledge Organiser

RE Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser

Geography Knowledge Organiser

Year 2 Class Blog


Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

This week, Year 2 have started their final DT project of the year. The project is to sew a memory pouch to keep precious items in. We began by trying out sewing running stitch and then drew and cut out our template from felt.

Healthy Living Week 2023

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

This week has been Healthy Living Week and Year 2 have been learning all about how to be healthy in body and mind. We started the week with a skipping workshop and shared our skills with the rest of the school at the end of the day. We have had daily mindfulness and guided meditation sessions. We took part in sports day, yoga and the school running challenge. We learnt about how to eat healthily and made a wrap which included a variety of foods from the Eatwell Guide. We have learnt about the importance of exercise, rest, sleep and hygiene. It has been a full on week, but everyone has thoroughly enjoyed it! Below are just a selection on photos from the week.

First week back!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

I cannot believe it's the final half term of the year already! We've had a great first week back in year 2! We've started our next piece of writing which is an interview with Neil Armstrong to link with our history learning. We've continued with our art focusing on the artist Georgia O'Keeffe and planned a science experiment to test whether what we know plants need is definitely true!

Here we are having a well earned break in the sunshine on the field this afternoon!

Happy Half Term!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

I have been so proud of Year 2 this half term. The way they have approached their learning and the tests we have had to do has been excellent. They have all brought home their seedling sunflower today. Please do your best to take care of these and grow them into giant sunflowers. 

I would love to see photos of their progress, you can add these weekly to seesaw with how tall they measure too.

Here we are measuring them this week, they've all grown very well.

Georgia O'Keeffe Inspired Art

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Year 2 have begun learning about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe. We started by learning about her life, her art style and how this changed over her career. We then used the iPads to take close-up photographs of flowers and drew these in our sketch pads.

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