Home learning23 April 2020 (by adelstjohn) |
We know that supporting children’s home learning isn’t easy, especially if you are also working from home, so we hope we are able to support you in this process. Where possible, the majority of staff currently send their learning on a Sunday evening, but as they are in various situations – whether that is teaching in school, self-isolating or working from home – to provide learning at different points is going to be difficult. I hope that by adapting the current process, we are able to help make the start of the week less hectic.
I have now asked staff to identify learning that should be held over for the start of the following week so ensuring that there is something ready to start on the Monday morning. For KS1, this time could be used to continue something started previously so that the children are then able to continue independently. For KS2, it may also be useful to start the week with independent learning such as Mathletics, timestables, spellings or reading. KS2 children are also very familiar with the process of editing their own writing. After drafting, they could return to it on a Monday morning to complete the improving and editing process before using handwriting skills to present it.
This week BBC Bitesize Daily was launched which plays across BBC iPlayer, Red Button, BBC Bite size website and app, BBC Four and BBC Sounds.
Designed to support parents, it plugs the gap caused by school technical issues, teacher absence or to add learning opportunities for those children who want to do more. It is very user friendly and again could support those Monday morning issues.
I hope this helps and thank you again for all your support.