Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

  1. News
  2. Parent Update

Parent Update

18 March 2020 (by Debra Dean (DDean))

As part of our continued efforts to maintain pupil and staff safety in school, at this current time, we have decided on the following additional steps:

  • Year 3 swimming lessons - cancelled
  • Music lessons - postponed
  • Easter production for parents - cancelled
  • Year 5/6 Tag Rugby at Guiseley Rangers - cancelled
  • Year 1 Temple Newsam trip - postponed
  • Whole School Walking to Church - cancelled
  • Easter Service in school - cancelled
  • Year 4 Junk Funk workshop - postponed

Any question at all, please contact the school office on 0113 2611804, thank you.