Summer Fair - reminders from the PTA21 June 2022 (by Debra Dean (DDean)) |
Dear parents and carers
Don’t forget dress down day on Friday in exchange for bringing in a bottle for the summer fair tombola. This doesn’t necessarily need to be alcohol but a bottle of anything – hand cream, jam, bottle of sweets etc.
We will also be sending home lucky bags and cake boxes on Friday to be returned to school by Friday 1st July. Fill the lucky bags with anything exciting – sweets, old toys (in good condition), use your imagination!! These will then be sold at the summer fair, lucky dip style. Cake boxes to be filled with a cake or a few cupcakes to be sold on the cake and bun stall. Lucky bags can be brought in earlier but please don’t bring in cakes until Friday 1st. Please remember we are a nut free school.
Lastly, we will be holding a second hand toy and book stall and so if you have anything of good quality which you no longer need, please do donate and bring these in to school by Friday 1st July. All can be dropped off at the table outside the office.
We appreciate we are asking for a lot so please just do what you can - all donations will be much appreciated.
Thank you