Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Reminder for tomorrow - Calling all parents with green fingers!

Reminder for tomorrow - Calling all parents with green fingers!

20 May 2022 (by Debra Dean (DDean))

Dear parents and carers

Tomorrow between 10 - 1 we are preparing the raised beds ready for the children to plant out their fruit and vegetables.  If any parents or carers could spare half an hour or so to help us with this, please bring your fork and gardening gloves.  We could also do with some compost to work into the soil.  If you have a spare bag, we would very much appreciate it.

Unfortunately there will be no toilet facilities available on the day. 

Please enter the school site via the Inspirations gate where Mr Dalrymple and Mrs Starkey will welcome you.

Thank you