Adel St John The Baptist

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 Curriculum Map

A busy half term ahead- we will be doing a mock SATs week the first week back and then mainly focusing on revision in the morning.

Topic Book/ History

We will be finishing our World War Two topic (please see the knowledge organiser) and then we will start the next topic which will be The Mayans and the class text we will be starting is 'Esperanza Rising' by Pam Munoz Ryan.  This new topic will be explored in more detail once the SATs are completed.


A lot of our English work will be centred around grammar and punctuation as well as reading comprehension which will prepare the children for the national tests.

Please ensure your child is still reading at the very least 3 times per week at home to support them, not just reading independently but also with an adult or sibling, allowing for discussions around what they have read.  Children take home a planner and I ask that they fill in new words or phrases they have found 3 times a week.  To be successful this year, it is imperative they develop a broad and in-depth knowledge of precise vocabulary and can infer meaning from what they have read.  A parent or carer should then sign off what they have written.  We will check the planners every week (each Monday).  In addition to this, children will have activities in their SATs revision booklets to complete each week, which will be expected to hand in the following Monday.  There will be around 8 pages of the maths one each week and a new practice test each week with the SPAG.



In science, our topic will still be Evolution and Inheritance where children will learn about classifying different living things as well as how animals are adapted to suit their environment which may lead to evolution.


We will be finishing our maths curriculum and then revising key concepts and things we have found tricky through the year.


We will be learning about the 'Theist, Atheist and Agnostic beliefs'- a really interesting topic which will emphasise the need to respect everyone's beliefs and to understand people with different perspectives.


In computing, this half term, we will be focussing on data handling, with a focus on spreadsheets.


So that we have sessions with a specialist PE teacher from YMCA Leeds, our PE days for this half term will be back to TUESDAYS and Fridays (rather than Wednesdays and Fridays).  Please would children come to school in PE kits on those days.  The two units this half term will be Badminton and Volleyball.


Will focus on colour and sculpture.



We will be learning how to talk about 'The Date'.


We will continuing to cover the topic of sex and relationship education.  We will be focusing on body changes, hygiene, healthy relationships and how a baby is made.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information and please do not hesitate to be in touch.

Kind regards,

Mr Smithson, Mrs Williams and Mrs Whitehead




Posted: Mar 22, 2024 by: Will Smithson (wsmithson) on: Year 6 Class Blog

Thanks to money raised by the PTA, we have been able to add several new books to our 'Year 6 Reading Corner'.  The children are so excited to read them; every child is now reading a new book!  We have started a 'Year 6 Book Club', where children are reading together and then recommending books to others.

Some of these new books have been put into a separate basket called 'Celebrating Diversity' with books that celebrate people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.  A book that Mr Smithson highly recommends is 'Boy 87' by Ele Fountain, a book about a boy who is forced to leave his home country, travel thousands of miles and ends up making a dangerous passage on a small boat to Europe.

Feel free to buy/borrow this book or any others from a local library or book shop- why not ask one of the Year 6 children which one they look forward to reading?


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